Jagriti Theatre
8th & 9th March 2025 3.30PM & 7.30 PM
15th March 2025 3.30 & 7.30 PM
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2025-03-15 03:30 PM
2025-03-15 07:30 PM
GUILT is a psychological thriller that explores the complexities of human relationships—marriage, friendship, love, and betrayal—and the heavy impact of guilt. The story unfolds through two timelines: one showing the younger versions of the characters, and the other their older selves. This dual perspective raises questions about time, memory, and whether their paths ever truly cross.
The drama focuses on how guilt, both conscious and subconscious, shapes the characters' decisions, leading them down unpredictable and often destructive paths. It dives deep into how past actions, even those buried in the mind, can haunt and control the present.
The drama examines how guilt, both consciously and subconsciously, influences the characters’ actions and decisions, leading them down paths they never intended.
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16th Mar 2025 7.30 PM
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2025-03-16 07:30 PM
2025-03-16 07:30 PM
Yagyaseni -The Ultimate Oblation
"Yagyaseni – The Ultimate Oblation" is inspired by Gyanpeeth awardee Dr. Pratibha Ray's novel Yagyaseni.
Born from the sacred flames of a yagya (sacrificial fire), Draupadi ultimately offers her deepest emotions—those of a daughter, wife, mother, and, most importantly, a woman—as the final aahuti (oblation) to invoke the Lord of Dharma. Her journey is one of immense emotional upheaval, yet she endures with unwavering resilience. Through her trials, she expands beyond the personal, shedding the self in pursuit of a higher truth—the establishment of dharma.
If the Mahabharata is a grand Dharmayagya, Draupadi is its ultimate offering—her brilliance transcending mortality and merging into divinity.
At the heart of this exploration is Draupadi’s profound and spiritual bond with Krishna, a relationship that serves as her guiding force. Their connection, rooted in wisdom and trust, shapes her choices, fortifies her spirit, and ultimately leads her toward transcendence.
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22nd March 2025 3.30 & 7.30 PM
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2025-03-22 03:30 PM
2025-03-22 07:30 PM
Lower Back Pain By Sapan Verma
Sapan turned 35, became a father and also got high in Amsterdam - all within a year, but not particularly in that order.
He is cruising through life with mental burnout, a needless sense of superiority over Gen-Z and of course, chronic lower back pain.
Come, watch him have a meltdown on stage, and feel better about your own life.
Audiences have called this show "hilarious", "so fresh and likeable" and "where are we going for dinner now" according to Sapan who has been hearing these people from behind the curtains as they leave after the show.
Get your tickets for a hilarious new hour of standup comedy before they sell out as he becomes insanely famous and inaccessible - a mild threat he`s been using since 2011.
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